kill bed bugs with salt not traps table salt/baking soda (is also salt) is cheap and relatively safe around pets. just liberally sprinkle a lot of salt on and under your mattress, and floors and forget about it. sprinkle salt everywhere not noticeable and even in your carpets and flooring. windows, pipes, or anywhere they might go for a fresh drink of water should be salted.
car hire epsom, humans and bugs cannot live off salt water, so one goal is to target their moisture sources. if a bedbug/cockroach/ant comes in direct contact with salt it can be painful and deadly. the more salt you sprinkle and leave on the ground/mattress area, the quicker you will be bug free. this should be effective against any bug in your home.
this video is short and concise but provides information that can save you from bug bites and possibly associated infections. simply pour salt under and behind all your furniture and anywhere a bug can fit. they will die or vacate asap. please thumbs up/like this video if it makes sense to you or you have tried it and are grateful for the tip. it will help others find it.
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